1.3m Barrels of SP Gas Condensates Exported
TEHRAN ,Aug 14,(FNA)- Operator of the Project for Development of Phase 19 of South Pars Hamid-Reza Masoodi says as many as 1,300,000 barrels of gas condensates, yielded by Phase 19 of SouthPars, have been exported.
Masoodi told Shana that phase 19 of South Pars has gained favorable progress. "For the time being, two lines of gas sweetening in the refinery has been put on cycle and the third line will soon be operational."
He said the hookup and A19 platform operations are now underway. With operation of the platform, 500 million cubic feet/day will be added to the capacity for gas extraction from South Pars gas field.
Up to so far, 21 million cubic meters of gas and 1,300,000 barrels of gas condensates have been obtained out of the field.
Masoodi had said earlier that the B19 platform will be loaded and installed late September. The platform is expected to be operational in winter and extraction of 500 million cubic feet of gas per day from the platform will be hence possible.
Daily extraction of 56 million cubic meters of gas, 80,000 barrels of gas condensates, 2,550 tons of ethane as feedstock for petrochemical facilities, 3,200 tons of LPG products, including Bhutan and Propane, and 400 tons of sulfur, as well as 3.5 to four billion dollars of revenues are among aims of the project.
SouthPars gas field, enjoying 14.2 billion cubic meters of in-situ gas, that is equal to eight percent of the world's gas reserves and 47 percent of Iran's distinguished gas reserves, 19 billion barrels of gas condensates, 7.5 billion barrels of crude oil in oil layers and the hugest helium resources, reserves a splendid status in Iran's national economy.
Source: Farsnews