Iran, Armenia to boost electricity exchange

Iran, Armenia to boost electricity exchange

TEHRAN, Aug. 20 (MNA) – An official has announced that Iran-Armenia electricity exchange volume will become trebled upon completion of the third transmission line.

Vice President of Iran Power & Water Industries Equipment & Services Export Company (Sunir Co.) Masoud Hojjat described the latest status for construction of the third power transmission line between Iran and Armenia saying “the major project of Iran’s power industry is currently 20 per cent through.”

He said the contract for building the third transmission line is being implemented with a value of 107.9 million euros asserting “an Iranian bank has supplied 83 million euros of the overall amount which has accelerated various stages of the electric plan.”

The official, while pointing to the role played by the power exchange plan in development of trade transactions between Iran and Armenia, stated “at the present time, the Armenian side is also offering excellent cooperation for construction of the transmission line.”

Hojjat emphasized that the ongoing project marks a part of the energy hub linking Iran to Russia; “it is anticipated that the completion and operation of the project will increase capacity of Iran-Armenia electricity exchange from 300 to 1000 megawatts.

Hojjat also recalled that the plan will connect power grids of Russia, Georgia and Armenia to Iran underlining “all construction and implementation phases are now being carried out by Iranian contractors.”

“Approximately 730 electrical transmission towers will be installed along a 275-kilometer route,” said Sunir deputy head reiterating “given the satisfactory funding, the project will be completed and put to stream within the envisaged timeframe.


Source: Mehrnews

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