Chabahar development could thrive Gwadar: Chinese envoy

Islamabad, March 7, IRNA – China’s Ambassador to Islamabad Sun Weidong says developing Iran’s Chabahar port could also strengthen development of Gwadar port of Pakistan.
The Ambassador made the remarks at a seminar organized by the Express Media Group in Islamabad about China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project (CPEC).
He added China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project (CPEC) is open and inclusive and other countries of the region including Iran could also benefit from it.
Before the ambassador’s address, Pakistan Ports and Shipping Minister Hasil Bizenjo said that Pakistan had proposed building an 85-kilometre-long road, creating a road link between Gwadar and Chabahar ports.
“Chabahar and Gwadar ports can complement each other,” said Bizenjo.
China-Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC) is a mega project between the two countries under which China will invest $46 billion in Pakistan.
The economic corridor is about 3000 kilometers long consisting of highways, railways and pipelines that will connect China’s Xinjiang province to Pakistan’s Gwadar port. The project is crucial for both the countries.
Earlier Sun Weidong in an interview with IRNA had said China is looking forward to enhancing its cooperation with Iran through CPEC, adding that if Iran joins the CPEC, it would be win-win cooperation for both China and Iran.
source : irna