Download catalogue Central precocious puberty(cpp)

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Variopeptyl 3.75 mg

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Injections of this substance are prescribed for 1 month for the treatment of children with central precocious puberty (CPP).Triptorlin acetate is an FDA approved treatment for central precocious puberty (CPP). Variopeptil 0.1 for CPP confirmation test: The main criterion for in vitro confirmation of CPP is GnRH stimulation test (varioptyl 0.1). Prior to injection, measure serum concentrations of FSH, LH and estradiol, then measure serum concentrations of FSH, LH in 3 hours and estradiol in 24 hours. Provides the initial stage. Therapeutically, gonadotropins and sex steroids rise above baseline due to the initial stimulant effect of the drug. Increased clinical signs and symptoms of puberty may be observed. Psychiatric events have been reported in patients taking GnRH agonists.These events include emotional instability such as crying, irritability, impatience, anger and aggression.

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